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Every project that’s being posted has its own specific requirements. What you need from our professors will mainly depend on your project. For this very reason, the ultimate professor for you is one who is both proficient and experienced in the very domain that your project revolves around. We’re exceedingly aware of this hence we developed a special proprietary rating system that allows you to rate our professors based on the quality of their final submission and number of projects they have completed on our platform.

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At Unemployed Professors a prof’s rating is represented by stars. Presently, a prof can be rated between 1 and 10 stars, with 1 star being the lowest rating and 10 stars being the highest. These ratings are solely based on client feedback submitted after they review their project that was completed by their chosen prof. A client who’s fully satisfied with the project will usually award 10-stars to the prof by also writing a feedback review, while a client who is displeased will award a low rating. A professor who is able to maintain a high rating after taking on multiple projects is certainly a great choice for any client.

To make the experience equitable, we also allow our professors to rate clients as well as choose the clients they would like to work with based on the client’s ratings.

This two-way just rating system enables both parties to measure the merger. If the client is satisfied with the prof’s reputation (star-rating) and the prof is also satisfied with the client’s reputation, then a deal will be struck on a productive and beneficial start.

Make your homework go away!