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We have collected the most common customers' questions concerning our service.

Date Comment Rating
The assignment was a revision of work that I wrote.  The document arrived five days late, missing the classroom assignment deadline, and causing me to already receive a deducted grade.  The completed version received little enhancement for the price of $75.00.
04/21/2017 The paper was executed very well and followed the instructions I gave. My only issue was that I did not recieve the finished product until hours after the deadline I set. That being said, it was a pretty indepth assignment and the time frame I gave was a lot shorter than I had originally intended so I am partly to blame for that. Overall, I am very satisfied. The paper was excellent and the price was more than fair.
03/26/2017 Needed a 3 page paper, only was delivered a 2.5 page paper that was missing a few ideas.  Word count was fulfilled as set by Unemployed Professor's automated system, yet this word count didn't end up fulfilling the requirements for my paper, which the professor stated was fine because that's all the bid said, regardless of the instructions.  Paper did require some work and editing on my part to fulfil my instructor's instructions that I directly copied into the bid.  Overall a pretty decent paper but just know that you will probably have to do some work on your part if your paper has a page count requirement and not a word count requirement.  This could just be the site at fault, but honestly it's hard to say.
03/23/2017 Didn't give 5 full pages but the essay is great. Thanks

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